30. April 2006


sonntägler, cañas trinken gehen, bekannte treffen,
auf dem flomarkt stöbern, noch ein bier trinken,
freunde anrufen, spazierengehen, cañas trinken...


Anonymous Anonym said...

Huhmm.... sounds real good.
By the way: nice lighting. You did catch the amtosfere.
And yes: the "cañas", maybe I should have told you about the time when as a boy, around 1956, I did drink my first "cañas" in Cibeles, with my father. They were served in big Bambu pieces, and that is were the name comes from, from "caña" the generic name for thin or thick bambu like reeds…

2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Nice story, Mr.V.S, didn't know where the term came from...

1:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Hola Anna, me hisite recordar mis tiempos por la plaza real y el chino! aquellos buenos tiempos, Barcelona sigo siendo la mas hermoza, sigue tan catalonica e histerica?
Las fotos de la calle....tal vez unos metros mas serca, mas vos, Las imagenes de los que quieres tienen tu calor, mas de eso y mucha suerte.
para cuando algo del schanze?

1:18 AM  

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